You see others crushing it on Twitter and are slightly envious on the inside. Deep down you know that people will love what you have to share even more so than the people with thousands of followers.

You’re determined to grow your following but aren’t quite sure where to start.

It feels like you’ve been stuck with the same amount of followers for a long time.

But today, you came across this post and are ready to change that narrative.

I went through this journey a few years ago. Then I began using the principles taught in this guide and went from 1,000 Twitter followers to over 25,000 at the time of this writing.

If you follow what’s taught here and more importantly stay consistent, your Twitter account will grow exponentially.

The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Twitter Followers

Before we begin, let’s just express some gratitude for Jack Dorsey and the entire team at Twitter.

They have built the most powerful social media platform to ever exist. Every person in the world is connected through this app.

The retweet button allows for viral content better than anything else on the planet.

growing your twitter image

Once you start maximizing Twitter’s potential you’ll become addicted.

By deciding to start taking Twitter seriously, my whole changed for the better. So will yours.


I know it sounds cliché, but your mindset is everything.

You have to stay disciplined each day to follow the instructions in this guide.

Dealing with trolls and imposter syndrome will test your composure.

And slowing growth will be one of the hardest tests of determination you will ever face.

But guess what? It’s all worth it. Mindset is everything on your Twitter growth journey.

Setting Up and Optimizing Your Twitter Profile

You will need to create a profile picture that is clear and eye catching.

Make sure to include a link in the ‘location’ area of your bio. I would recommend that it’s your website or a Linktree.

While setting up your profile keep in mind – YOU are a niche.

andrew petcash twitter profile

Check out my Twitter here @AndrewPetcash.

Your occupation, skillset, main focus, interests, etc is its own unique niche. People want the knowledge you have.

Being yourself + having a traditional niche = successful combo for growth.

Optimizing your Tweets

If you want to CREATE more, you need to CONSUME more.

Go watch some YouTube videos or read a blog article about topics in your niche.

Make connections in your life:

-How does this relate to you?

-Why is this useful to others? Why should they implement it?

-What is an opposing viewpoint and why is it right/wrong?

-Do you have any stories of yourself (or others) that you can write?

-Can you pull more ideas/concepts from those stories?

You do not have to be an expert.

Once you have settled on a niche, or specific topics for tweeting. You can post your progress, what you’ve learned, and mistakes you’ve made.

This is an incredibly powerful way to write tweets that resonate with your readers.

You can still position yourself as an expert and authoritative figure.

Tweet Structures

Here are some successful ways to structure your tweets.

Powerful Pictures

twitter photo tweet structure Broken Up Quotes

quote tweet structure


video tweet structure image

Ask yourself – “What will stop someone from scrolling?”

People love to be told what to do AND what not to do. You need to be speaking in absolutes most of the time.

Use the word “YOU” as much as you can.

Instead of:

“Lifting in the morning is great for self-discipline”


“Your mind loves to overcome challenges, start lifting in the morning and thank me later.”

Two other words you should use often are “don’t” and “stop”.

People tend to respond well when you tell them not to do something as long as you back it up with logic.

“Stop playing video games, watching porn, and scrolling though social media. It’s ruining your athletic performance.”

Apply this to your niche as necessary.


If you don’t have the audience, nobody is going to engage with your tweets.

Start by engaging like a mad man and building connections. Write 2-3 high quality tweets every day.

Don’t overthink them, but put some thought behind what you’re saying.

As you grow, up your tweet frequency to 5-7 times per day.

The more you grow, the more you can tweet and reap the benefits of it. The more you write, the more people see your content.

Retweets are easy to hand out to something you agree with.


Replies are one of the most effective growth strategies for accounts under 1,000 followers. 

Add your own thoughts to the tweet and write a “tweet-worthy” replies.

Make sure to always respond to comments on your own posts.

A retweet with a comment that adds value to YOUR audience works well.

You should RT your followers that interact via reply or with a quote tweet.

RTs basically say, “I approve and want to see more of this.”

This will encourage your followers to engage with you more. We all know the little dopamine hit when you get a retweet.

Set a goal for yourself: 15-20 Tweet replies every day.


Most books should be a blog post. Most blog posts should be a Twitter thread. – Dickie Bush

Writing threads expands on specific topics and is more personal than 280 characters.

twitter thread

You can recycle thread topics into tweets later on.

Give people common advice and tell them what to do (or not to do).

Threads get more engagement because readers “buy in” to your ideas. You have more space and time to convert them into followers.

Follow lists are annoying… but they work.

You can write a huge follow list


You can quote others tweets in a thread and add value to their tweets.

Both work. Don’t overdo it.

Advanced Growth Tactics

Without tweeting you won’t get anywhere. Once you have that down you’ll be able to implement some of these growth strategies.



Reach out to like minded people.

Talk to them like you would to someone over text. Make it personal. Do not copy and paste.

Treat them as a friend, because that is what they are. Your Twitter is BUILT off of connections.

If you ever lost your account… would anyone help you grow your new account back up to where it was?

Engagement Group

By now, you should have some friends with a similar follower count.

Invite them to a group and assign people 2-3 days per week to send tweets.

engagement group on twitter

Retweet each others BEST PERFORMING tweets for maximum growth.

Strategize and help each other grow… Don’t be selfish with your knowledge.

This is a game changer. You need a small community of Twitter homies to grow with you and hold you accountable.

Pay for Shoutouts

These work wonders if you have a product or want a RT on a highly engaged tweet you had.

Your tweets need to be GOOD to actually get results. Otherwise, people will see right through what’s going on.

You should write tweets relevant to what their audience enjoys.

Paid RTs typcially range from $50-$500+ per month.

This is not cheating. It is a smart marketing move if you have the budget.

Rewrite Your Tweets

When you run out of topics, go back to your old tweets that performed well.

Go to Twitter Analytics > Click “Tweets” > Click “Top Tweets” and filter by month.

Use the structure and topic of these tweets to almost guarantee a high engaging tweet.

You can do this with all of your tweets. Rewrite them better than you did the first time.

Recapping the Ultimate Twitter Growth Guide

I hope this guide has been helpful and you are now ready to grow your Twitter account.

Mindset Recap:

You will go through hard times… guaranteed.

1. You won’t gain hundreds of followers instantly

2.It takes time to see BIG results

3.Don’t pay attention to others (unless they are motivational)

4.Don’t get discouraged if results aren’t immediate

5.Stay disciplined daily

You will gain thousands of followers! It’s not if, but when. Stay committed.

Twitter Growth Strategy Recap:

1.Create a unique and optimized profile. Stand out from the crowd.

2.Start with 2-3 high quality tweets per day

3.Reply to other accounts 10-15 times each day

4.Bump these numbers up once you’ve got the hang of it

5.Write your own threads

6.Connect with others that are trying to grow

7.Form engagement groups and exchange RT’s

8.Track your analytics and double down on what’s working best

8.Stay consistent – followers will come

Once your Twitter account is rolling you’ll be able to monetize it for passive income.

Super Follows will be a great option for subscription revenue.

Conclusion of Ultimate Guide to More Twitter Followers

If you enjoyed this article please share it with someone you want in your Twitter engagement group.

Give me a follow me on Twitter @AndrewPetcash and feel free to reach out. Let’s collaborate and grow our accounts!

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